Simply Minecraft

Simply Minecraft

Friday, December 5, 2014


Orion Launch

The new NASA rocket launched at 7:05 this morning (Dec. 5, 2014) named Orion. We got to watch a video of it at school and you can click here to see for yourself. I's highest speed I know about is 17,000 miles per hour (27,358.848 kilometers per hour) and it took 4 1/2 hours to orbit Earth twice. I've heard about another group of people who are going to try to send 4 people (already selected) to Mars in 2024, sending 4 more every 2 years. This is a one-way trip! You can see for yourself here. The Orion rocket orbited twice now and landed in the Pacific and was recovered not too long ago from when I wrote this post. This rocket went 4 times the speed of sound! Personally, I think all this is very interesting because I wasn't alive when Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldren, and Michael Collins (look him up) got to the moon or when The Challenger exploded, so this is the biggest thing so far in my life related to space. That's why I think it's so interesting and I'm following it excitedly.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


 Update Schedule

On this blog I will be trying to update every week on Saturday or Sunday and possibly on weekdays as well if I have the day off from school (holidays, snow-days, etc.). This is it for this post.

Also, have a great holiday!
Forget all that |. I'll update WHENEVER I WANT TO UPDATE!

Lost Blog

I recently lost a blog about Minecraft and was able to find a link to the only post so I thought I would share it here so you can see. Click here to view it. That's it for this post.

My Awesome Life

My First Post About My Life

Okay, at school today since Thanksgiving ist here we got to watch The Lightning Thief movie. Just so you know, I think reading is one of the best things in life other than Minecraft, Cobalt*, online games, and doing anything else with my friends (not necessarily in that order). Anyway, I have read The Lightning Thief many times and I know most of the important things (or not important) that happen and overall, the movie is nothing like the book.  I've seen plenty of movies that were based on books and not a single one of them has been like the book.

Next, today is Thanksgiving and I cannot watch the Macy's parade! I have looked and looked with no luck and not found it anywhere at all. I've tried Macy's and everything else I could find in a hour of searching the Internet. If someone found a working one, please leave a link in the comments.

Okay, I've been playing Minecraft since 2011 at least and I know basically everything you can do, so I've moved on to mods and/or modpacks now. I use the Technic Launcher and it is the easiest way to get mods I know about. It comes with Hexxit, Tekkit, Attack of the B-Team, Vanilla Minecraft, and a bunch more. Also, you can go browse modpacks to download even more! If you know how, you can even make your own, unique modpack.

Please leave a comment below if you think I should keep this blog going and if I should add more things to it.
